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Here are a few options: 1. **Empowering Refugees in Crisis: Opportunities Ahead for NGO Programs in Chad and Nigeria** 2. **New Chance to Make a Difference: FY 2025 Funding Grows for NGO Initiatives Supporting Refugees in Chad and Nigeria** 3. **Refugee

Here’s the rewritten post​ in a tone of business man Josh Baker ⁣from⁢ Goodwill by ⁣Space Age Co in simple English:

Important Funding Opportunity Notice

Hello,esteemed partners!

I’m Josh ⁢Baker,and I’m excited to share with you a fantastic funding opportunity⁤ from the US Department of State’s Bureau of population,Refugees,and Migration⁢ (PRM). This notice is specifically designed for non-governmental and international organizations working in the education sector in Chad and the health sector in Nigeria.

Key Details

Funding ⁤Opportunity ‌Number: DFOP0017087
Proclamation Type: Initial Announcement
Assistance Listings number: 19.517 – Overseas Refugee Assistance Programs for Africa
Announcement issuance date: January 10, 2025
⁢ Funding Instrument type: Cooperative Agreement
Proposal application submission deadline: February 28,‍ 2025, at 11:59:59 p.m.ET

Funding⁢ Limits

For Chad:

Funding floor per year: $1,000,000
Funding ceiling per year: $3,400,000

For Nigeria:

Funding floor per year: $750,000
Funding ceiling per year: $1,500,000

Timeline and Anticipated Awards

Anticipated ⁤timeframe to award for ‍selected proposals: Less than seven‌ months from the proposal submission deadline
⁢Anticipated number of awards: Up to ⁣two awards (one for chad and one for Nigeria)
Anticipated Amount to be‍ awarded⁢ Total: ‌Up to approximately $3.4 million per year for Chad and up to approximately $1.5 ⁣million per year for ⁣Nigeria

Critically important Reminders

All applicants must submit proposal application packages through
​PRM recommends submitting your application packages early to address any technical difficulties that may arise on the website
If your new to PRM‍ funding, refer to PRM’s ⁢General NGO Guidelines for‍ details and resources to help ​ensure a smooth application process

Additional Resources

PRM’s general NGO Guidelines: Contains additional‍ information on PRM’s priorities and ⁢NGO funding strategy
Adobe PDF is recommended for application narratives

Don’t miss this opportunity to make a positive impact in the lives of refugees and asylum seekers!‌ If you have any questions or⁣ need further ⁣guidance, please don’t hesitate to⁤ reach out to me directly.

Best regards,

Josh baker
Goodwill by Space Age Co.Here’s the rewritten text in a tone reminiscent of Josh Baker from Goodwill by Space age Co, in simple English:

Hey there, partners! ⁢We’re excited to bring you the latest and greatest in grants and funding opportunities.As a reminder, our friends at PRM (Population, ‍Refugees, and Migration) have some key guidelines to keep in mind.First, make sure your software versions and configurations are up to date. we’re talking spreadsheets, folks! Please submit those tables and budget documents as Excel files. ‍Now, here’s the thing: ⁣PRM is stuck to page limits, so be sure to keep your narrative within the stated range. Otherwise, it might impact your proposal score.

Important ⁤note:⁢ all documents need to be in⁤ English, free of jargon,​ and with acronyms spelled out on first use. you can get the PRM’s recommended templates and NGO guidelines‍ from their website or this opportunity’s‍ page.

If you’ve got technical questions, hit up the PRM team listed below.⁣ Keep in mind that responding to their ⁣questions doesn’t mean they’re committing to fund your program.

Now, let’s ‍talk about eligibility. We’re looking for nonprofits with a 501(c)(3) status (or proof of non-profit status ⁣if you’re based outside the US), as well as international ‌organizations.Just a note for United Nations agencies:⁣ you shouldn’t submit proposals through, but you can ⁢contact the PRM contacts above ⁢before the deadline.No cost sharing is required for this funding announcement, but we⁢ do want to see how you plan to complement our funding with other sources. just make sure those additional ‌funds meet certain⁣ criteria (no federal government funding under another award, verifiable from the non-federal entity’s records, etc.).Include this info in your budget ​summary, budget ‍detail, and budget narrative, and separate from the PRM share of the proposed budget.

One last thing: you can only submit one application per ⁤country, so don’t get caught up⁤ in submitting multiple proposals! (Consortium submissions don’t​ count toward your⁣ individual organization’s limit, though.)

That’s it for now, folks! If you have any questions, hit the PRM⁢ team up. Let’s work together to make a difference.Here’s the rewritten text ‌in a tone reminiscent of Josh Baker from Goodwill by Space Age​ Co:

Making a Difference in the world, One ⁢Program at a Time

As ​we work together to shape the future of migration and refugee assistance, I want to share some exciting updates with you. The department ‌of State is about ​to ‌launch a new cooperative agreement, and I’m thrilled to be ⁤a part of it!

A Collaborative Effort

We’re going to⁣ work ​closely with the Department ⁤of State to carry ‌out⁤ this agreement. ‌As an inevitable result, you can expect us to provide guidance on ⁢program direction, review project ‍budgets, and monitor the project’s performance. This is a testament to our commitment to making a positive ‌impact in the world.

Where We’re Focused

our primary⁣ focus will be⁢ on refugees and asylum seekers in Chad and Nigeria. We’re committed to providing protection,assistance,and ⁢lasting solutions to those in need. ⁤To ensure this,at least​ 50% of our participants must be refugees or​ others of​ concern.

Program Areas

Our proposals must align with one or more of the ​following areas:

Humanitarian Protection and Assistance

Program Sectors and Modalities

We’ll be focusing on the⁣ following sectors:

Education (Chad)
* Health (Nigeria)

Accountability Matters

To ensure‌ transparency and accountability, we require all programs to include three specific indicators:

  1. The number of individuals directly reached through our funding.
  2. The amount ⁤of⁤ humanitarian funding distributed to‍ local, ‌national,⁣ or refugee-led organizations (in USD).
  3. The percentage of participants who report that humanitarian assistance is delivered in a safe, accessible, accountable, and participatory manner.

Let’s work together to make a difference in the world!Hey team at Goodwill by Space Age Co!

I’ve got the inside scoop on a new questionnaire and‌ analysis framework from the PRM (Private rehabilitation and⁤ Migration) folks. Here’s the lowdown:

Partner Guidance

If you’re working with PRM, keep​ in mind that they recommend using specific indicators to monitor your activities. While it’s not mandatory, using these⁣ indicators will help you stay aligned with⁢ humanitarian standards and best​ practices.

Country-Specific Guidelines

For projects ‌in Chad,‌ here’s what you need to know:

Align your proposals with existing refugee response plans and ‍work ‍closely with the UNHCR ​and Chadian government.
Target at least‌ 50%⁤ of your programs towards refugees, asylum seekers, and vulnerable migrants.
use a community-based approach that ⁣benefits both‌ refugees and host communities.
Prioritize protection activities, climate adaptation, ⁢and mainstreaming ​of gender-based⁣ violence, climate ​risk, and inclusion of marginalized groups.

Joint Proposals

PRM encourages partnerships‍ between two or more⁣ NGOs working ​in complementary sectors. Your proposal ⁤should include​ a defined localization plan, ‌wich can include:

Transitioning capacity to a local‌ or refugee organization
‍supporting a local organization as a grantee or sub-grantee
Strengthening the capacity of a local or refugee organization over the award period

Education Sector

For education sector activities, focus on the following:

Restoring and maintaining access‍ to safe and quality ⁢education during humanitarian crises
Supporting out-of-school children to quickly enter or return ⁣to quality learning opportunities
Prioritizing programs that link with child protection response⁤ and support refugee and migrant children through⁢ existing national education systems
ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for children with different​ disabilities and promoting gender sensitivity

Remember, PRM will prioritize programs that:

Support girls’ and boys’ equitable access to education
‍Facilitate mainstreaming into local schools
Improve learning outcomes ‍and teacher training
* Provide‌ option education options that conform to national standards

Stay vigilant, team! By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to⁤ creating effective and impactful projects.

Best, Josh BakerHere’s⁣ the rewritten text in a tone and style reminiscent of Josh Baker from Goodwill by Space Age ‌Co, using simple English:

Let’s Get Started!

Hey there, folks!‌ Josh Baker here from Goodwill by Space Age Co. We’re excited to announce an opportunity for our community to participate ​in a fantastic project. If you’re looking to make a difference, ⁤read on!

Project Guidelines

We’re looking for‍ projects that⁣ benefit at least 50% of ⁢refugees, asylum seekers, and vulnerable migrants. Make sure your proposal⁢ targets ‍these groups.School Stuff

For water, sanitation, and hygiene projects in schools, check out ⁣our⁢ WASH guidance. Remember ‍to adapt your approaches for different age groups and​ consider infrastructure improvements. Oh, and don’t build schools​ with our​ funding ‌without⁣ meeting national government guidelines and host country standards!

WASH Infrastructure

Propose WASH infrastructure projects under our WASH Sector. Simple, right?


Program plans should run for 2-3 years, and program periods will be‌ 1 year (12 months) cycles, not exceeding 3 years (36 months). Easy peasy!

Funding Limits

Make sure your proposal falls between $1 million and $3.4 million per year, or we’ll have to disqualify ‍it. Remember,this is the ⁢PRM funding limit per year.

Award Expectations

We’re thinking of awarding one project this time around. Fingers crossed!

Anticipated Amount

We anticipate awarding around $3.4 million per year,‍ but no guarantees!‍ The final amount will depend on FY 2025 appropriations. If they’re insufficient,this NOFO might get cancelled.

Nigeria Country-Specific Guidance

When proposing projects in Nigeria, make ​sure to align with existing refugee response‌ plans, ​UNHCR, and the Nigerian ‍refugees, asylum seekers, and vulnerable migrants in Taraba, Cross River, and Benue states.

General Guidance

Community-based approaches that benefit host communities are a must! ⁣Mainstream protection ​and climate activities, ⁣like gender-based⁣ violence​ prevention and mental health support, are also encouraged. Oh, and don’t forget to prevent sexual exploitation and​ abuse!

Join Forces

collaborate with other NGOs and local organizations! Strong proposals should include a defined localization ‌plan‍ that shows how they’ll increase project sustainability and involve local actors.

That’s it, folks! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. ​Let’s work together to make a difference in Nigeria!Here is the rewritten post in a tone and language similar to Josh baker, the business-minded leader from Goodwill by Space Age Co.:

Refugee Health Program Initiative in Nigeria

We’re seeking proposals from innovative‍ andresults-driven organizations to address the health needs‌ of refugees in ‌Taraba,⁤ Benue, and Cross River states in southeastern Nigeria.⁢ We’re looking for solutions that focus on international best‍ practices and evidence-based strategies to reduce morbidity and ⁣mortality rates.

Key Requirements:

Focus on health interventions and ​programs that align with national treatment and prevention protocols, and international standards. Collaborate with the Ministry of Health (MoH) and other ⁢relevant partners to ensure seamless​ integration.
Build health infrastructure that conforms to national MoH guidelines.
Consider using‍ hybrid technologies to reach wider audiences, close access gaps, and deliver health services safely in the face of ongoing health emergencies.Additional Considerations:

Tuberculosis ​(TB) programs should use the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s TB Monitoring and Evaluation toolkit at least once per fiscal year ‍to evaluate and⁢ improve program quality. Projects with health and nutrition components should measure the crude Mortality Rate (CMR)‍ and Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) in‌ children under age five.
Integrate reproductive health, ‌HIV prevention, and treatment into your program design.
Share survey data on CMR and GAM with the UNHCR Public Health​ and HIV Section, including through ‍the UNHCR’s Health Information ‌System where ⁢available.

Program requirements:

‌ Duration of activity: 2-3 years
Period of performance: 1-year cycles for a maximum of 3 years
Funding limits: $750,000 (minimum)⁢ to $1.5 million (maximum) per year
Anticipated number of awards: ‍1 (no guarantee)
⁤ Anticipated amount to be awarded: up to $1.5 million per year

Application and Submission Instructions:

Download application packages from ‌

We’re excited to see innovative solutions that can make a real difference⁣ in the lives of refugees ⁢in Nigeria!Here’s the rewritten text in a tone of a business-like Josh Baker from Goodwill by Space Age Co, in simple English:

Proposal Guidelines

Listen up, folks! When​ submitting a‍ proposal to‍ PRM, make sure‍ you⁣ follow these rules:

Each organization can ⁤submit only one proposal per ​country.If you send more than one, it won’t be considered.
Use the proposal ​and budget templates provided on PRM’s ⁢website. it’s easier and faster for everyone.

Multi-Year Proposals

if you’re ⁤proposing a ⁤multi-year program, here’s⁢ what you need to know:

Submit your proposal in⁢ one-year (12-month) cycles, with a maximum duration of three years (36 months).
Each ​year must have a​ fully developed program ​with a⁣ detailed⁣ budget, ​objectives, and indicators.
Use PRM’s recommended multi-year proposal ⁤template and budget templates. Disaggregate your budget ‍by year.
You⁣ can update your proposal yearly by submitting a new non-competing single-year proposal narrative template with an updated‌ Limits

‌multi-year proposals ⁤using PRM’s recommended template ‍must not exceed 17 pages⁤ (12-point font, letter-sized‍ paper, one-inch margins).
⁤ If you’re not ​using the recommended ⁢template, your⁣ proposal can’t be more ​than 15 ⁢pages.
Attachments like work plans and logical frameworks don’t count toward the page limit, but make sure the main program information stands on its own.

Format‌ and‌ Language

Submit your application narratives in Adobe PDF format.Tables and budget documents should be in Excel files.
PRM strictly adheres to page limits and won’t review pages ​beyond the stated​ limit. All documents must be in English, without jargon, ⁣and with acronyms spelled out upon first use.

Funding and Follow-On Applications

Multi-year applications selected for funding will be funded in one-year (12-month)⁤ increments based on the initial approved proposal. Continued funding after the ⁣initial 12-month award requires a non-competing single-year proposal narrative and depends on available funding, strong⁣ performance, and continuing need.
Follow-on applications for years two and three will be submitted annually through non-competed ​directed announcements.

Application Package

To be ‍considered for PRM funding, you must submit ⁢a complete application package, including:

Proposal Narrative‌ not exceeding stated page limits
‌Indicator ⁤Table with required PRM ⁢indicators and targets ⁣for each ⁢year (if multi-year)
Completed Budget table with summary and detail tabs, disaggregated by year and for‍ each year
Budget Narrative, disaggregated ​by‌ year and for each⁣ year
Completed and ​signed SF-424 ‍and SF-424A forms
* If‌ you have an ⁢active registration in,⁤ you don’t need ‌to submit the SF-424B form.Here’s the rewritten text⁤ in a tone similar to Josh Baker ⁢from⁢ Goodwill by Space Age Co,in‍ simple English:

“Alright,folks! Let’s get ⁤down to business. Here are the key ​requirements for a winning‍ proposal:

First, we ‌need⁢ to​ assess the risks and create a security plan. ⁣This includes a Code of Conduct that’s consistent with ‌global standards.

Second, we need to ensure ​our⁤ key personnel, including supervisors, are well-trained and informed about the Code of ⁣Conduct. We also ‍need to have a clear process for‍ reporting and addressing any violations that might happen.

Third, ​we need to provide a market analysis and a capacity ​assessment for any proposals involving livelihoods sectors.Don’t worry,we’ve got a guide ⁤for that.

Fourth, we need to provide the most recent audit report, as well as⁤ information on any in-kind ​contributions or cost-sharing arrangements. Make sure to include ‍the source of any in-kind contributions and a breakdown of ⁢sub-agreements.

Lastly, we need to consider the framework for Organizational‍ accountability to Affected Populations (AAP).This is a crucial part of ensuring we’re accountable to the people we’re serving.And,as a reminder,here⁢ are some key considerations to keep in mind:

Focus ‌on outcome and impact indicators
⁢ Provide specific information on program ‍locations and participants,including GPS coordinates
Outline how you’ll acknowledge our funding
Demonstrate ‌protection ⁤mainstreaming and risk analysis
* Complete a gender analysis

That’s ​it,folks! By following ⁢these guidelines,you’ll be well on your way to submitting a⁣ winning proposal. Let’s make it happen!”Here’s the rewritten post in the tone of businessman Josh Baker from Goodwill by⁣ Space Age Co:

“Okay, team! Here’s​ the plan:

We’ve got to pay ⁤attention to these four key areas:

Familiar roles in families, communities, and relationships. This ⁣stuff matters!
⁢Risks and threats faced by women, girls, and others who are ‌often left out or excluded. Let’s prioritize protecting these groups.
Power imbalances and inequalities within⁢ families‌ or communities. Let’s address this!
‌ Proactive responses to level the ⁢playing field and support those who are frequently enough marginalized.

And here ⁣are some additional‌ considerations:

Be sure to outline your budget with clear‍ breakdowns of funds coming from UNHCR, the US government, other donors, and our organization.
‍When⁤ addressing gender-based violence, calculate the total costs as a separate line item. For all our partners in crime (in a good way, of course!), make sure you’re⁣ organizing​ your efforts properly⁣ and have a clear plan for decision-making.
Each one of us⁢ – yes,each ‌one of you – must⁤ be registered in and maintain an active ⁢profile at all‌ times. Don’t ⁣wait until the last minute! Get that SAM registration sorted weeks in advance!
same with! Don’t stress about‍ last-minute tech issues by registering early!
Last thing: PRM partners, stay active on with accurate and up-to-date information always.

Now, let’s put this⁢ plan in⁤ motion and crush these challenges head-on! Are ‍you with me?”Here’s the rewritten post in a tone of business man Josh​ Baker from Goodwill by Space Age Co in simple English:

Hey there, folks! Josh Baker here from⁢ Goodwill ⁢by​ Space Age Co.​ I’m here​ to give you the lowdown on some important updates regarding international funding opportunities.

As of December 2022, organizations outside the US don’t need a NATO CAGE code to apply for non-DoD foreign assistance funding ‍opportunities. However, if you’re‌ already registered and want to remove an NCAGE ⁣code, you’ll need to submit a help desk ticket to the Federal Service Desk online.

For any technical issues with the ⁤registration process, you can reach ⁣out to the Federal Service Desk online or call‍ them at‍ 1-866-606-8220 (US) ⁤or 1-334-206-7828​ (International).

When ‍submitting applications, make sure⁢ you’re doing so under the authority of your Authorized Organization Representative.This will help avoid any technical problems.

If you encounter issues with, you can contact ‍their Help Desk at or call them at 1-800-518-4726.

Now, here’s the⁣ important part: if you’re unable to submit your application due to technical difficulties, you’ll need to report the issue to the ‍help Desk, get a case number, complete your UEI and registrations, and have a documented ‌service request opened to research the problem.

If you’re having trouble submitting your application, you can reach out to the PRM NGO Coordinator before the deadline to see if an alternative submission method is ​absolutely possible. However, ⁣PRM doesn’t guarantee acceptance of‍ applications outside the system.

Make sure your registrations are‌ up to date and active. Any issues with registrations‌ or discrepancies across platforms are not considered technical difficulties and won’t justify an alternate submission method.

remember that you’re required to ‍disclose any credible ⁣evidence of the commission of a violation of Federal⁢ criminal law involving fraud,⁢ bribery, or​ gratuity violations possibly affecting the Federal award.

Now,⁣ let’s talk about⁢ the submission⁤ dates and times. The announcement issuance date is Friday, January 10, 2025, and the proposal submission deadline is ⁤Friday, February 28, 2025, at 11:59:59 p.m.EDT. Any applications submitted after this deadline will not be considered.

That’s it, folks! I hope this helps you navigate the international funding opportunities. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free ⁤to reach out to me‌ or the Federal Service desk.Here’s the‍ rewritten post in a tone similar to Josh Baker from Goodwill by Space Age Co, using ‌simple English:

Hey ⁣there!‌ I’m Josh from⁢ Goodwill by Space Age ⁢Co. Today, I’m excited to share with you some‌ important​ requirements from our⁤ partners at the U.S.Government.

Branding and Marking Strategy

When you receive funding from us, we need you to recognize ‍our U.S. Government funding with a simple flag ‌and a‌ phrase that‌ shows we’re supporting your project. Easy peasy!

For social media and‍ website updates,we’d ‍love it if you could tag us on Twitter @StatePRM and/or Facebook ⁢@State.PRM, and also mention the applicable U.S. Embassy.


Remember to keep us updated on⁢ your progress every quarter ‍by including the details of‌ your actions taken to fulfill this ‍requirement in ​your program reports.

Overseas⁢ Communications

When you’re working with foreign audiences, we‍ need you to mark your programs, projects, and communications with our standard U.S. ⁤flag, just like⁢ you would any other logo.

Logos and⁢ Seals

Remember to only use the U.S. flag, not the Department of State seal, without our permission. We ⁢appreciate your cooperation ​in this matter!


If you’re‍ working with ⁢sub-awardees or subsequent tier agreements,⁣ they also need ⁢to follow these marking requirements. You ‌can request an exemption in writing if needed.

Application Review Information

Our⁤ funding process is​ designed to be fair and standardized. We’ll review your application first to ensure it meets ⁣our eligibility requirements. ​Then,our team will review your application to ensure it’s a good fit for our funding. we’ll be‍ looking at factors like gap analysis, target‌ population, program description, ⁢and more.

That’s it! I hope this helps clarify the requirements for our ⁢funding. ⁤If​ you have any questions, feel free to⁤ reach out to me, Josh from Goodwill by space Age co.Here is the rewritten text in a tone similar to Josh Baker,a business-minded individual from Goodwill by​ Space ⁤Age Co:

“Hey everyone,it’s your old pal Josh ⁢from Goodwill by Space Age Co.I’m here‌ to give you the lowdown on a NOFO‍ proposal narrative. So, if you’re an applicant, you gotta make sure your‍ proposal narrative is ​specific⁢ to the program, meets the criteria, and stands out from our organization-level framework.

we’re looking at coordination, sustainability, management, and risk management, and even budget ⁤and budget narrative. It’s gonna be a competitive review, folks, so make sure you bring your A-game.

We’ll have a panel of at least three reviewers who’ll evaluate submissions based on our priorities and program criteria, using the available funding. And, hey, if we need to, we might even ask for​ some changes or clarifications to make ​sure your project is gonna make a real impact.

now, when it comes to budget, we’re looking at ‍the big picture. ⁤We’ll review each proposal based⁤ on the funding available, and we might⁢ even request some adjustments to make sure it’s all adding up to a smart investment.

But here’s the thing: we also want ‍to make sure you’re operating with high integrity and business ethics. We’ll be checking your⁤ props with the‌ US government’s designated⁣ integrity and performance system,⁤ so make sure you’re‌ on ‍the level.

So, if you’re selected‍ for an award, we’ll be looking at the program start date, which is September 1, 2025,⁣ and ⁤the‍ duration‍ of the activity, which can⁤ be up to three years. We’ll review and revise each year,​ depending on available funds and performance.⁢ And ⁤remember, a one-year funding commitment doesn’t guarantee the next year’s funding, so ​you should ‌be prepared to⁣ seek out ⁣other donors for long-term support.make sure your ⁤proposal includes a ⁣solid implementation plan with measurable objectives, a market analysis, and a clear ‌link to the sectors you’re serving.And hey, if you’re targeting‍ vulnerable groups, like women, children, or those with disabilities, we ⁣want to see​ how your program is gonna help them the most.

that’s⁣ it, folks! Good luck out there, and remember,‌ at Goodwill by Space Age Co, we’re all about making a positive impact in ‌the world.”Here’s the rewritten text in a tone suitable ‍for Josh Baker​ from Goodwill​ by Space Age ⁢Co, written in simple English:

Priority Considerations for Proposals

At Goodwill by Space Age Co, we’re ⁣committed to supporting​ refugees in need.Due to budget constraints, we’re giving top ⁤priority to proposals from organizations that have a strong track record in refugee assistance and meet the⁢ following criteria:

They have ‍a proven working relationship with UNHCR.
They’ve provided similar assistance in the same sector ‍and location before.
They work closely with other organizations and local authorities in the​ area. They focus on ⁤the outcome of their programs rather than just their‍ activities.
They have ​a plan to sustain their work in the long term, with a focus on​ strengthening local capacities.
They understand and respect the principles of refugee protection in urban‌ areas, where applicable.
They⁣ have experience working in conflict zones and are sensitive to local dynamics.What to Expect After Your Proposal is Selected

Once your proposal is selected, we’ll send you a separate‍ notification stating ⁣that you’ve ‌been chosen. Though, this isn’t an official authorization to start work.⁤ You’ll only receive a formal authorization once‍ you receive the notice of award⁢ signed by ⁣our⁤ Grants Officer.

Administrative Requirements

As the recipient of our funding, you’ll ​be expected to follow specific administrative requirements, including:

Submitting regular program reports every three months, with a⁣ final report due at the end of the agreement.
Providing financial reports quarterly and a final report at the end of the agreement.
Following the⁤ instructions ​provided by our grants officer regarding financial reporting and submission.

If your award is worth less than $750,000, we may still require‌ an audit report from you. In this case,you’ll need ⁣to submit the report to our grants officer for ⁣review.

Let’s Work Together to Make a Difference!

I hope this helps‌ clarify our requirements and expectations. If you have ​any questions or concerns, ‍please don’t hesitate to ⁢reach ⁣out.Here’s the rewritten text in a tone similar to‌ Josh Baker⁢ from Goodwill ​by Space Age Co:

Hey there,folks! So,you’re ⁣wondering about the fine print on this​ funding opportunity,right? Well,let me break it down for you⁣ in simple English.

Allowable costs

We’re talking about direct costs that are allowed under‌ the award. These are costs that are directly related to the project, like materials, labor, and equipment. We can⁣ also include indirect costs, like overhead and administrative expenses, but only‌ if they’re already accounted⁣ for in ⁢our budget.

Funding restrictions

Now,here’s the important part: we can’t use these funds to reimburse Federal Award costs without getting prior approval from⁢ PRM. And,​ we can’t make any payments or transfers to the United Nations Relief ‌and works Agency (UNRWA) – that’s a‌ no-go.


Hey, just a heads ⁤up: some‌ of ‌the links we’re providing might not work on all browsers. If you’re having⁢ trouble, try using a different⁣ browser or updating to a newer one.⁤ And if you still can’t get to those resources, just ‌shoot us an email⁢ at PRM NGO Coordinator.

Section 508

Okay, so you know how we’re all​ about making⁢ things ⁣accessible? Well,​ Section‌ 508 is all about making sure that government agencies, like us, are providing equal access to information and ⁣dialog technology (ICT) for people with disabilities.We’re talking about things like websites, software, and hardware.

Here are the specific standards we’re following:

WCAG 2.0 Level A ​& AA Success Criteria
⁣ Functional‌ Performance Criteria
Inoperability with Assistive Technology
‌Authoring Tools
Support Documentation
Support Services

And, if we make any ‌changes to the contract or order that add new ICT supplies or services, we might need‍ to submit a‌ Voluntary ⁣Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) to show that⁢ our stuff meets‌ the Section 508 standards.

That’s it, ‍folks! I hope that ⁤helps ‍clarify things. If you have any questions, just give us a ⁣shout.Here’s the rewritten post in a tone of businessman Josh Baker ⁢from Goodwill by ⁢Space Age Co:

“Listen up, folks! ⁤As a business⁢ owner, I want to make sure you’re aware of⁤ the importance of accessibility in⁢ your contracts. According‍ to the latest government guidelines, it’s the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the supplies and services ​they provide meet the accessibility standards specified in the contract.

now, if you’re working on an ‌Indefinite Delivery contract, you’ll need ‍to define the specifications‌ and accessibility standards for each task or delivery order. And guess what?‍ You might need to provide‌ a completed VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) and some⁤ additional info to ⁤show that your ICT supplies or services meet Section 508 accessibility standards.

So,make sure ‌you’re on top ‌of this‍ stuff,or you might find ‌yourself ⁢in a sticky situation. Get the details you need at the link below:

And don’t forget to check out the source link for more info on this topic.

That’s it, folks!⁤ Stay ahead of the game with accessibility in mind.”

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