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NGOs to face more checks along foreign funding route

Non-profits will have to comply with new rules and share more information when they renew and apply for the licence to obtain foreign donations.The chief functionary of a trust running such a non-government organisation (NGOs) must sign on each page of key documents like the memorandum of association, trust deed, and constitution, and submit the entity’s year-wise activity report to the authorities instead of presenting a general report. Non-profits have to also share their receipt and payment accounts with the government along with the audited accounts.

Several non-government organisations whose licenses under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act – a stern and oft-invoked law – expire on December 31, have learnt about the new compliance requirements after logging on to the FCRA portal hosted by the ministry of home affairs which frames the regulations.

Also, applicants must now scan the original copy of their constitution even if it is in a language other than English and make sure that the documents uploaded are legible and not blurred. With the government delaying FCRA renewals of a number of NGOs and questioning the intent of some of the overseas donors during the past few years – amid suspicions that funds were spent on activities unrelated to the stated purposes or amounts spent on administrative expenditure breached the regulatory limit – the new conditions would make key NGO officials more accountable and cautious.

According to Dr Gautam Shah, partner of the CA firm Gautam Shah & Associates, which advises many trusts, the additional requirements for new applications and renewal of FCRA are a welcome, but never in the past were they proposed or discussed. “If it was conveyed to the trusts that these conditions would have to be followed at the time of application, a lot of time would have been saved. Getting FCRA registration or renewal is very difficult. For better governance a separate helpline or email or any other social media channel should be provided to address the grievances of applicants,” said Shah.


Practitioners like Isha Sekhri, partner at the CA firm Ajay Sekhri and Co think that the further tightening of KYC norms is a step to align with global best practices in compliance and transparency. “Mandating the chief functionary’s signature on every page of key documents ensures accountability and reduces the risk of document manipulation. Also, the shift to a year-wise activity report, instead of a generic summary brings granularity to the evaluation of an organisation’s operational history and the use of foreign contributions.While the norms may demand more rigorous compliance efforts, they would ensure that foreign contributions are managed with integrity and aligned to their intended purposes,” said Sekhri.

However, there is always a lurking fear among NGOs over how the law would be invoked to stop foreign donations. Among other things, what fuelled the debate since 2020 was the allegation that dollar donations were being diverted to lure the poor to embrace a new faith.


Of late, some of the NGOS are also facing a tax issue. A charitable trust is entitled to exemption for accumulation of income and for amounts spent by it. So, if a NGO spends 85% of its income, the entire income is exempt from tax. If spending in any year is less than 85% of its income, it can choose to accumulate the shortfall amount to be spent for specific purposes within the next 5 years. According to Gautam Nayak, partner at CNK & Associates, which advises several charitable trusts, “Till AY 2022-23, this accumulated amount could be spent in the year following the completion of 5 years, and if not spent, it would be taxable in the sixth year.

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